
Terms of Use

We need to ask you to read and agree to the Terms of Use and disclaimer before you start to use this website so that there may be no misunderstanding about our activity. Thank you very much for your understanding.

利用規約 (日本語)

Click here to read in English









  • 当サイトに掲載されている情報に含まれる製品名、サービス名、システム名等の商品名は各社の登録商標または商標です。
  • 著作物の全コンテンツ、関連コンテンツの著作権は正式な著作権者(開発元・発売元等)に帰属します。
  • 参考資料・紹介の目的で引用して利用させていただいている著作物の著作権は正式な著作権者に帰属します (当サイトではありません)。
  • 当サイトが独自に作成したコンテンツ(記事・解説等、当サイト内の全ページ)の著作権は当サイトに帰属します。







Terms of Use (English)


We appreciate your attention to this page. We have enjoyed easy administration as fansite administrators since we established this website. The number of visitors, however, has increased a great deal recently. Having realized that it is necessary to explain our activity and the sammary of the content on this website and to define terms of use, we have described below what we wish you to understand before you start to use this website. We apologize if it sounds as though we are preaching to the choir, but your patience would be greatly appreciated.

Why in English?

As you already know, almost all the content on this website is written in Japanese and most of our visitors are from Japanese IP adresses. Nevertheless, we have some visitors from foreign IP addresses, some of whom actually read articles here with the help of machine translation. That is why we find it necessary to provide the terms of use in English.

Terms and Conditions

You shall read carefully and understand everything on this page, and you shall accept and agree to the disclaimer before you start to use ("Andraste"). By using this website, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions ("Terms of Use"). The use of any page that exists and will be added in future on this website is subject to the Terms of Use.


In no event shall we be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of this website. Nor shall we be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of external websites to which any page on this website provides hyperlinks.

About This Website

This website is only an unofficial fansite which shares unofficial information on various subjects. While we endeavor to keep the information correct, we make no warranties. If possible, please check with highly reliable sources as well, such as official websites and official publications by the developer and/or the publisher.

Trademarks and Copyrights

  • All product names that appear on this website such as services and systems are trademarks or registered trademarks of thier respective owners.
  • The copyright of copyrighted works is the property of their respective owner(s) such as their developer and/or publisher.
  • The copyright of third party content that is and will be cited on this website is understandably the property of its owner(s), not ours.
  • The copyright of any content that has been and will be created by us such as posts and articles on this website is our property.

We associate with:

Link Citation

We appreciate your interest in linking to this website. Feel free to put hyperlinks to any page on this website unless you intend to slander anyone or deliberately make your readers misunderstand. We are grateful to whoever introduces this website by providing hyperlinks, and would be honored to be introduced on your website.

Actually, you can put a hyperlink without permission to any content accessible on the web. The webmaster has no right to refuse it even if they demand. Besides, linking without permission does not violate the law, at least here in Japan as of now, and presumably forever. We state, nonetheless, the above link policy in case you should be worried about link citations, as some people still seem to assume that linking without permission is inappropriate.