This vision of yours...
- You dreamed of the Blight?
- And this made you want to help me?
- I suppose I couldn't sit by either.
- Blight の夢を見たということ?
- そういう理由で、私に協力したいと思ったんだね?
- 私だって同じ立場なら放っておけなかっただろうね。
What was life like in the Chantry cloister?
- Yes, they tend to be self-righteous.
- I prefer your ideas to the ideas of the Chantry.
- たしかに、彼らは独善的になりがちだね。
- 私は、教会の考え方より君の考え方のほうがよいと思う。
What would someone like you be doing in Lothering's chantry?
- You know, a beautiful woman like yourself.
- Those initiates can't have been more lovely than you.
- Affirmed?
- And why were you seeking safe harbor?
- だから、君みたいなきれいな女性という意味だよ。
- その入信者たちが君より素敵だったなんてことはないはずだ。
- 誓ったとは?
- それで、どうして安全な避難場所を探してたの?
Why did you decide to come to Ferelden?
- Was she not happy in Orlais?
- You were young, it's understandable.
- お母さんはオーレイでの暮らしが辛かったの?
- 幼かったんだから、そうなるのもわかる。
Do you miss anything about Orlais?
- It sounds wonderful.
- What sort of things?
- Oh, I love shoes!
- Oh, that sounds so lovely.
- You don't need fancy shoes to make you beautiful.
- 素敵だね。
- どんなもの?
- 私も靴は好きだよ!
- すごく素敵だね。
- 上等の靴を履かなくても君は十分きれいだよ。
Know any stories from Orlais?
- That sounds interesting.
- Continue please.
- Did she win the tourney?
- I was hoping for a happy ending.
- 面白そうだね。
- 続きを聞かせて。
- アヴェリン(Aveline)は試合に勝ったの?
- ハッピーエンドを期待していたんだけど。
Do you know any Ferelden Legends?
- Flemeth? Morrigan's mother was called Flemeth.
- She didn't really introduce herself as such.
- Tell me the whole story.
- What happened then?
- フレメス? モリガンのお母さんの名前はフレメスだったね。
- そういう風に自己紹介はしてなかったけどね。
- 最後まで聞かせて。
- それでどうなったの?
Do you know anything about the Dalish?
- It didn't last.
- それは続かなかった。
What do you know about Andraste?
- How did Andraste die?
- Why did the Maker not save Her with His power?
- どうしてアンドラステは死んでしまったの?
- 何故、神様はアンドラステをお救いにならなかったのかな?
I heard that in Orlais, minstrels are often spies.
- I read it in a history book.
- What's the difference?
- What sort of services does a bard offer?
- You seem to know quite a bit about these bards.
- But why were you living cloistered sister in rural Ferelden.
- 本で読んだんだよ。
- どう違うの?
- 吟遊詩人とはどんな仕事をするの?
- 吟遊詩人のことにかなり詳しいんだね。
- でも、どうしてフェレルデンの片田舎で修道女をやってたの?
Leliana: "I lied to you, you know? About why I left Orlais."
- I knew you weren't telling me something.
- Hunted? What for?
- So you were dutiful, but you still got in trouble?
- Important documents?
- Isn't that what bards do?
- Most countries don't appreciate treason.
- She betrayed you?
- How did you get out?
- I don't think you would have.
- Thank you for trusting me with this.
- 何か隠してることがあるのはわかってたよ。
- 追われてた? どうして?
- じゃあ、忠実だったのに、酷い目に遭わされたの?
- 機密文書?
- それが吟遊詩人の仕事じゃないの?
- 売国行為を喜ぶ国はないからね。
- マジョレーンが裏切ったんだね?
- どうやって脱出したの?
- マジョレーンを追わなかったんだろうね。
- 打ち明けてくれてありがとう。
Oh, Hello... is there something you wanted to talk about?
- You just look a little distracted.
- You're less talkative than usual.
- Maybe you did and didn't want to admit it.
- She would have attacked you there eventually.
- It's only human. Don't punish yourself.
- Marjolaine chose who she became. So can you.
- Evil doesn't worry about not being good.
- ちょっと落ち着かないみたいだね。
- いつもより口数が少ないよ。
- 分かっていたけど、認めたくなかったんじゃないかな。
- 教会に留まっていても、いずれは狙われただろうね。
- 人間なんだから仕方ないよ。自分を責めないほうがいい。
- マジョレーンは自ら進んでああなった。君も自分の道を選べる。
- 悪人は自分が善人でない事に悩んだりしないから。
Do you remember our discussion?
- Yes, of course.
- It was my pleasure.
- もちろん。
- 力になれてよかったよ。
Are you feeling better about what happened with Marjolaine?
- They add to the complexity and beauty of the piece.
- She was special to you, wasn't she?
- I'm sorry it ended so badly.
- Everyone changes, unfortunately.
- I can only hope to one day be as special as she was to you.
- そういう傷が奥ゆかしさや美しさに変わる。
- マジョレーンは特別な人だったんだよね。
- こんな結末になってしまって残念だよ。
- 人はみな変わってしまうんだ、残念なことだけどね。
- いつか、昔のマジョレーンと同じくらい、君にとって特別な人になれたらいいな
What will you do, when this is all over?
- I would like to see the world too.
- I would love to.
- 私も世界を旅したいね。
- よろこんで。
I have heard some rumors about Orlesian spies.
- That the female ones use skills of seduction?
- And this is better than violence?
- At least violence is honest.
- And would you say you've mastered this game?
- Maybe you could smile at the Blight and tell it to go away.
- 女スパイは誘惑の手管を使うんだろ?
- それが暴力よりもマシなの?
- 少なくとも、暴力は率直だよね。
- それで、君はそのゲームとやらをマスターしたって言うの?
- Blight に微笑んでどこかに行けって言ったらいいんじゃない?
The stars are out.
- There is still beauty to be found in this word.
- Tell me the story.
- That's a beautiful story.
- If we lose hope in love, then we are truly lost.
- Don't tell the others I said that.
- この世界にもまだ美しいものが残ってるんだね。
- 聞かせて。
- 美しい物語だね。
- 愛に対する希望を失ってしまったら、本当に愛から見放されてしまう。
- 他のみんなには内緒にしといてよ。
I enjoy the nights at camp. The night always seems more peaceful, to me. Safer.
- I know what you mean.
- It is not silly to seek moments to lay down your burdens.
- You never have to feel afraid with me.
- We are more than friends. I thought that was obvious.
- You still like me right?
- (Kiss Leliana)
- よくわかるよ。
- 重荷を下せる時間を求めることは愚かではないよ。
- 私と一緒にいる時には、何も怖がらなくていいよ。
- もう友達以上だよ。言うまでもないと思ってたけど。
- それでも私のことが好きなんだよね?
- (//▽//)
It has been some time since...
[続き] I left Lothering. When I stepped out of the cloister I had no idea where my path would lead. I walked where the Maker led me and... He has rewarded me for my faith. I found you.
- I'm glad your path led you here too.
- Hmm, want some company?
- Well, I'm not going to say no to sharing of blessings.
- 私も君がここ来てくれたことがうれしいよ。
- 添い寝してほしいの?
- じゃあ、祝福を分かち合うことを拒む理由はないな。