クエスト「Boston After Dark」で護衛したH2-22が新しい記憶を入れられる前に残した別れのメッセージ。
データ | ||
原題 | Goodbye from H2-22 | |
種別 | 音声記録 | |
重量 | 0 | |
価値 | 0 |
H2-22:The doctor said I could say goodbye. I've decided... to have the operation. I know I'll lose all my memories. I don't want you to be sad. I... I have nightmares. And this world, the SRB, being hunted. I just can't handle it. Everyone says I'll be safer if I start a new life. I know I'll be happier. My only regret is I'll forget... Old Man Stockton. High Rise. And you. Looking back, there's only fear. Worse than fear. But I will miss my new... friends.
Doctor Amari: It's time, H2.
H2-22: I... uh... Thanks.
クエスト「Memory Interrupted」発生後、グッドネイバーのメモリー・デンにあるDr.アマリのコンピューターの傍のテーブルの上に置かれている。