Fallout 4





原題DiMA's Memory


[DiMA's Memory #1]
System Voice: Memory file identification: 0V-9AX0. Converted to audio transcription. Beginning playback.
DiMA: Things are not going well with Far Harbor. Several of my people have been assaulted, spat at, interrogated for no reason. This is getting out of control, but there's still a chance they can learn to trust us. We just need one of their own who's on our side. I can't let anyone know what I'm about to do. I'll need to set up the equipment far away from Acadia. It'll double as a place to bury the evidence.
System Voice: Additional location data appended. A make shift medical facility underneath the Vim! Pop Factory. Coordinates downloaded.

[DiMA's Memory #2]
System Voice: Memory file identification: 0J-2NN8. Converted to audio transcription. Beginning playback.
DiMA: I'm offloading this memory. I cannot bear lying to Confessor Martin and his Children of Atom any longer. Better to just forget. I found it. The location of the launch key to fire the nuclear missile inside the submarine. Confessor Martin believes it can bring his people into Division. Destruction at the hands of an atomic blast. He struggles with how literal his interpretation of that precept should be. I can't risk him deciding to find the key and use it. His people were the first to... accept me for what I am. The thought of them being gone fills me with nothing but pain.
System Voice: Additional data appended. Location: The Harbor Grand Hotel Safe Room. Keycode: 485130.

[DiMA's Memory #3]
System Voice: Memory file identification: 0H-3X0P. Converted to audio transcription. Beginning playback.
DiMA: I've made a contingency plan in case Far Harbor discovers the truth, or gives in to their xenophobia despite all my efforts. I've isolated the wind turbine powering Far Harbor's Fog Condensers. A kill switch command will leave them defenseless from the Fog and its creatures. But now that's it done, am I really capable of this? This... massacre, that I've engineered... I'm going to remove the command code from my memories. I'll bury a hardcopy if I need to use it, but I can't keep it close to me. It makes me sick...
System Voice: Additional location data appended. Coordinates to the Kill Switch Command Code and the Wind Farm Maintenance Building.

[DiMA's Memory #4]
System Voice: Memory file identification: 0Z-7A4K. Converted to audio transcription. Beginning playback.
Nick Valentine: Get away from me! What the hell are you?
DiMA: It's me! We escaped the Institute together. You're my brother!
Nick Valentine: I don't have a brother! The name's Nick Valentine, and no one in my family tree is a plastic-skinned freak!
DiMA: You're just confused, let me help...
Nick Valentine: Stay away from me!
DiMA: I don't want to hurt you!
DiMA: Goodbye... Brother...
System Voice: End playback.

[DiMA's Memory #5]
System Voice: Memory file identification: 0Y-8K7D. Converted to audio transcription. Beginning playback.
DiMA: I've discovered a curious record inside the prewar data files of this submarine base. The marines here were equipped with an advanced model of combat armor. There are several suits already in the base, in various states of deterioration. But there were more shipments of the armor on its way to the base, the day the bombs fell. They could be in prime condition if the sealants have held. I have no use for them, but you never know. Maybe they'll be worth digging up one day...
System Voice: Additional data appended. "Armor Shipments Tracking Information." Coordinates downloaded.



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